Always Do Good!

Pay back should not be in the vocabulary of a Christian. God calls us to a higher calling. When someone does us wrong, in the flesh, we want to start scheming for the day or moment we can strike back.  This is how Satan pulls us into his snares.

Recognizing God will fight our battles, even when we are wronged, is living in a place of peace. It is a peace that allows us to let offenses go and drop them. It is a peace that allows you to sleep at night knowing God will handle it in His own way. Any other way, will end up destroying us little by little robbing us of our peace.

We as Christians should repay evil with good. The Holy Spirit gives us the supernatural power to do this. It is the amazing power of allowing Jesus to do in us that which we cannot do on our own. We humble ourselves and always do good to all people, whether they deserve it or not. Love & Blessings!