Allow the Lord to Fight Your Battles: A Guide to Trusting God in Times of Trouble

Taking Your Battles To God:

Allow the Lord to fight your battles (Exodus 14:14). Many wonder what does that look like and feel like in the natural? It looks and feels like a situation you have that is frustrating. It may present anxiety or something that may lead you into depression, which is not of God. It could feel intimidating. It is not a pleasant situation at all.

When we allow God to fight for us the first thing we do is take our situation to Him. It is our way of honoring Him and letting Him know we trust and believe in Him. There may be some things we have to do like talk to someone in charge or in leadership to let them know what our problem or concern is. In this act we display the fruit of the Spirit and let Christ’s light shine through us. Sometimes God may not have us to do anything. This is the importance of our intimacy with Him so we will know what to do.

Once we pass this stage, we hand it over to God and allow Him to work on our behalf. It is a BEAUTIFUL thing to witness! You KNOW it is the FAVOR and HAND of God working on your behalf!

Personal Experience:

A recent situation I encountered with my car inspection started bringing on much stress. Everything passed in the inspection, EXCEPT a rusted area on the frame. The rust was not in direct contact with the car. The inspector told me he would have to fail it.

That was not what I wanted to hear. Immediately, I took it to God. In my quiet prayer I was telling God about my stress of having to get this fixed in 14 days along with everything else I had to do. Ironically, the inspector had a difficult time giving me the correct name of the part of the frame that had rust on it.

Nevertheless, as the inspector and the guy at the front desk are trying to figure this out, I patiently wait to see what the outcome will be. Finally, they came back and told me since the rust was not in direct contact with the car they would pass it this time, but highly recommended it be fixed by the time it was due for next year’s inspection.

Trusting God’s Timing:

PRAISE GOD! I said it out loud! The man said, what did you say? I said it again… PRAISE GOD! He smiled, I smiled, we all smiled! I was thanking God within my spirit, too, acknowledging what He had done for me and relieving that stress from me. Moreover, I now had 365 days to fix the problem! This was the outcome I was hoping for.

Sometimes the outcomes are different. Occasionally, depending on the situation God may choose to intervene right on the spot. Or, He may intervene in days, months, or years. Usually it may manifest in actually what we were expecting or something better. Regardless, the end result will be met!

Needless to say, Satan always tries to throw his influence into things. Predictably, he tries to make us think that God is taking too long, He has not heard me, it is not EXACTLY what I asked for. Without a doubt, these are the schemes of Satan. Invariably, anything he can do to discredit God he will do. Innocently, we are sometimes so vulnerable to Satan that we fall for his schemes. Cast him down when he tries to do that to you. Amen! Love & Blessings!