A Settled Heart, A Settled Mind, A Settled Soul!

Psalm 141 reads like a person who has a settled heart, a settled mind, and settled soul toward our God. It humbly starts with when I cry to you oh God immediately hear me. Let my prayers be incense to you and the lifting of my hand as a sacrifice. What a posture to put ourselves in when we come before the living God!

Next, it asks God to watch over his mouth and keep the doors of his lips. I presume this is to not say anything bad about anyone to someone else. Further, the next sentence is asking for his heart not bend toward any evil thing. As to not to practice wicked works with people who work in iniquities or sin. Furthermore, he does not want to partake in any of their schemes. What good advice for us, right?

As this Psalm concludes it asks to be corrected and reproved by the righteous in kindness as it should be an oil of excellence for him. This gives us an example of our hearts, mind, and soul being open to correction especially when done in kindness, which is a Fruit of the Spirit. When corrected in kindness our hearts, our mind, and our soul should be open to hearing our faults and errors.

Lastly, this Psalm ends on keeping our eyes upon on God. We cannot go wrong when we keep our eyes on God. It is when we start gazing at the world and what it is doing that we start sliding on a slippery slope. As this Psalm indicates when we do this it keeps us from the snares which the enemy lays before us. Ultimately, the wicked will fall into their own nets while we will escape free when we stay humble and keep our eyes on our living God. This is a Psalm to live by! Love & Blessings