A Marked Man

When God sends His people out to speak for Him they may become marked people. In Jeremiah 26 we read Jeremiah became a marked man. After he had delivered the words of God to the people of Judah and Jerusalem to turn from their wicked and evil ways, the priests and the prophets did not like it. Ignoring these warnings meant curses on the cities.

In Jeremiah 26:8, the priest and prophets told Jeremiah he was going to die. At this point, Jeremiah became a marked man. The priests and the prophets conspired to kill him.  However, the princes and the people wanted to spare his life. They wanted no part in killing Jeremiah and were willing to repent of their evil and wicked ways.

The same may happen to us. We may become marked people when God sends us out to speak truth to His people.  It is usually an unpopular message, but TRUTH. We have to then decide if we will be courageous and stand up for God. Or, will we embrace the things of this world and culture and follow them. Love & Blessings!