A Gift Of Discernment

When we encounter situations that are not clear or does not make sense, we need to rely on God for His help so we can discern what is really going on. Discernment is the gift God gives us to help navigate this sometimes-strange world. When we encounter situations that put a check in our spirit, or on face value, it seems innocent, but as you move forward it becomes troublesome, the Holy Spirit is probably trying to get our attention… Pay Attention!   

Recently, I had a situation to come my way that did not make sense. I was asked to do something; however, when I started gently asking questions to get clarity, there was resistance and defensiveness. The Bible tells us in all thy ways acknowledge God and He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-7) Undoubtedly, He will do it! 

In our last blog, we talked about being vulnerable with Christ. Jesus said we are sheep going out among wolves; yet be wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove (Matthew 10:16). How can we do that? Through His spirit in us. It allows us to discern those things that are not of Him and our God. 

Discernment is a gift God gives us so we can determine if something is of God or not. Additionally, it helps us to resolve if something is real or not, truth or lie, right or wrong. I believe God is always speaking to us. It is up to us if we are paying attention to Him or not. He will send a knowing in our spirit to help us with our decision making. Our emotions are fickle; therefore, not always reliable. Invariably, it is always wise for us to be prayerful, consulting God, asking Him for His help and He will lead, guide and direct us through the Holy Spirit… Amen. Love & Blessings!