A Bad Report

We all have received bad reports. Invariably, they are never pleasant to receive. Basically, on July 25 I received such a report. I went in for a screening mammogram. Less than an hour later when I returned home I had received a bad report from the screening. They wanted me to come in for more testing. One was for additional imaging and, if needed, an ultrasound.

I thank God for surrounding me in a cocoon of PEACE. Immediately, I thought what is this bad report? I thought it was wrong and not cancer. However, I did my due diligence. I inquired about making a follow-up appointment for additional testing.  Not once did I panic or have anxiety about this bad report. God’s supernatural PEACE was surrounding me.

On August 7, I had my follow up appointment. After having to endure both tests, I received a good report before I left the lab. God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). Satan tries to shake us up with bad reports. God is above all things. (Psalm 96:3)  When we know we are doing all God has called us to do, there is no need for fear. God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19).When we are walking in God’s purpose for our lives, He will lead and guide us into those purposes. Satan’s lie, a bad report, is only a distraction to keep us from God’s BEST… Claim it! Love & Blessings!