A Bad Boy (King)

The descendants of David were good and bad. We see this theme throughout the Bible. Upon Hezekiah’s death, his son Manasseh takes over. The Bible describes him as evil in II Chronicles 33:2. Again, a reminder of just because you may have a mom, dad, sister, brother, relative, heir, to serve the Lord does not necessarily mean everyone related to you may be connected to our God. Sometimes we assume because we were raised in the same family we all believe the same. That is clearly not the case as we see repetitively in the Bible.

Manasseh tears down what his father, Hezekiah, built and started worshipping Baalim. He is using witchcraft and building all kinds of alters NOT unto our God. Once again, this makes God angry. He carves idols and causes the people to do worse than what the heathens have done (v. 9).

Out of God’s graciousness and mercy, he tries to appeal to Manasseh. He speaks with him and the people over and over, but they will not take heed. Then the Assyrians come knocking again. The Lord sends them! They kidnap Manasseh and take him to Babylon. There he suffers much affliction. Finally, the bad boy becomes humbled. He humbles himself to the Lord and prays to him. The Lord delivers Manasseh and he is returned home. Because of this, Manasseh becomes a believer of the Lord God Almighty! Two significant lessons, God can change anyone’s heart if they want to be changed even bad boys. Learn the lesson of not putting other things, people, places, and stuff, before God… He HATES it! Love & Blessings!