How To Please God? Through Your Faith!

The Bible says we please God through our Faith (Hebrew 11:6). Moreover, the more you walk by Faith, the more it will become natural to you. Thus, you feel comfortable allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you. He will guide you into the plans He has for your life.

Surrender allows us to give ourselves to God without thinking about the repercussions of the consequences. As a result, it is a heart that is bent towards God. Needless to say, a love and adoration that want to please Him. Sometimes we do not know what the consequences will be. The Bible says we will share with Jesus’ glory and His sufferings (Romans 8:17-18, 1 Peter 4:13, 2 Corinthians 1:5).

This is total abandonment of self. We see this with Stephen in the Bible. He surrender His life over to Christ and suffered death (Acts 7: 54-60). He is often known as the first martyr. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego totally abandoned self. They were thrown into the fiery furnace for refusing to worship the king’s golden idols.

We do not always know exactly what each consequence will be when surrender ourselves totally to the Spirit. Nevertheless, we do know that God will be with us. He has promised to never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:8). Additionally, we know God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. That reward may manifest itself materially, spiritually, or both. The blessing will be in receiving what God has given and has for us. Ultimately, it is being in the Spirit that will allow us to do and experience any of this. It is a part of our Faith that pleases the Lord. Love & Blessings!

Happy New Year! Moving Forward In The Name Of Jesus!

Happy New Year! Our theme for 2025… Moving Forward In The Name Of Jesus! Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc., has much to celebrate! We would like to thank you and share some of what we accomplished under the leadership of the Holy Spirit in 2024!

As we reflected on 2024, we have a catalog of most of our events God ushered us into. One of the biggest accomplishments for 2024 was to have the Where Is God Now Deer, Rabbit, & Squirrel Repellent registered, labeled, and approved to sell! It is our flagship fundraiser with 100% of the profits going back to the ministry.

Further, in January, to commemorate Martin Luther King Day of Service, we hosted a Blanket Drive. Donations went to the We Care Center. February we partnered with Operation Paperback to donate audio books and DVDs to our U.S. troops and veterans. We conducted a clothing and shoe drive to help one of the ladies who was released from jail in March.

We moved forward in Jesus’ name in June with a Denim Jeans & Pant Drive. as requested by the We Care Center. Most of the guest were in need of these items for the types of jobs they have or are seeking. Next, we participated in the Chesapeake Re-entry Council job/resource fair that the ministry is a member of. This sparked our Shoe Drive 2! We collected over 100 shoes that YOU donated to the justice-involved individuals and the community at large.

We wrapped up the year with the Backpack & Other Bag Drive. The Urban League of South Hampton Roads offered their partnership for this requested event from the We Care Center. We collected over 150 backpack and other bags for the guest at the Center. This provided sturdier bags to carry their belongings, unlike the paper and plastic bags they were using. You may use the link below to get more details of the events we participated in 2024.

We also participated in the Point In Time (PIT) Count in January. It is hosted by The Planning Council. We, along with several other organizations and businesses surveyed in the wee hours of the morning the unsheltered homeless. Data collect is vital to assist local, state, and federal governments, along with businesses and organizations to viable solutions for this concern.

The Bible say God orders our steps (Psalm 37:23-24, Proverbs 16:9). These are some of the assignments God gave Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. in 2024. We continue our assignment at the Chesapeake City Jail with the jail ministry. We visited 44 weeks of the 52 weeks in 2024! We believe God wants us to see the many needs of the inmates as they re-enter society with the biggest being housing. We believe He will give us a solution to this need.

Most of all, we thank YOU! Without you, Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. could not move forward in the assignments God has given us. I am very humbled as He impresses on me and I, in turn, share with you, the assignments He gives the ministry. We will need YOU as we Move Forward In The Name Of Jesus! We thank you for being the hands, mouth and feet of Jesus on the Earth! Your generosity of monetary and various items you donate are invaluable.

Thank you for your continued love and support.

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!


Make it Intentional: Putting Jesus First!

As we move into a new year, I challenge you to put Jesus first! There are marvelous things that await you when you do this. Life becomes easier and peaceful. You experience the abundant, victorious life God has promised us here on Earth (John 10:10). Once you start experiencing these things, you wonder why did I not do this sooner!

What does putting Jesus first look like? It is an intentional act to embrace Him. You include Him in all decisions in your life. You are serving God with all that you are. It is allowing Him to flow through you to get His work done on the Earth!

Putting Jesus first is a lifestyle change. It is living out the scriptures in the Bible. When you intentionally put Jesus first in your life, you realize you have to lean on Him for everything (John 15:5). You depend on Him even for breathing!

Our ego is our worst enemy. We want to think there are some things I can do on my own. Those things I can not do on my own, then I will lean and depend on Jesus. That is the lie and trap of Satan. This is not the mind of Christ; it is the mind of Satan.

When we know the Bible, we understand how God views things. We can then see more clearly when Satan lies to us. More importantly, when we take on the mind of Christ, we start to do those things God has asked us to do (1st Corinthians 2:16). Furthermore, Jesus relied constantly on our Father, God, to lead and guide Him. We must also rely on God. We must seek guidance from God.

It is a beautiful thing when we can experience the life Jesus was born and died to give us. Still, we must intentionally seek this wonderful life. If we do not intentionally seek it, many of us will live miserable and defeated lives. Yes, we will still go to heaven if we have given Christ our heart. Unfortunately, we will never experience the wonderful life God has for us. That is not to say we will not have trials and tribulations. We all do because it is the condition of life. Moreover, we were born to enjoy our lives here on Earth with Jesus leading the way. Experience it today! Love & Blessings!

Merry Christmas! The Majesty Of Antarctica: God’s Stunning Masterpiece!

The Bible says God created the Earth and man (Genesis 1:1-28). Christians do not believe in the Big Bang Theory or that we evolved from apes. What we do believe is that God created everything including man. After God finished creating, He called it “ very good” ( Genesis 1:31). 

I believe God is proud of His creations, including humans. We take on the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). This allows us to see the beauty of nature God has given us to ENJOY! This is a part of the abundant, victorious life Jesus was born and then died to give us (John 10:10).

Recently, God took me to Antarctica! It was a trip of a lifetime! It was during Thanksgiving, so I was very thankful and awestruck with the full experience.  It was like God was saying, “Look at what I can do!” Furthermore, God used one of His children in a simple still powerful way which spoke volumes. I won’t spoil it for you… It’s in one of the pictures! These pictures are my Christmas gift to YOU! ENJOY!

You can visit the Photo Gallery on the website. There, you can see the diverse lectures, classes, and labs we participated in. We also went to Argentina and other islands. Yet, this spotlights God’s majestic Antarctica… Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Thank you for your love and support!

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!


Thank You BayPort Credit Union!

Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc. would like to thank BayPort Credit Union for their generous gift to the ministry! Once again it is humbling watching God MOVE as I was unexpectedly contacted by the credit union for this gracious donation. It is so humbling. Further, it is a testament to God and His ability to use His people and organizations to get His work done on the Earth!

As I reflect on this year of what God has done with the ministry, it is AMAZING to me! We got the Where Is God Now Deer, Rabbit, & Squirrel Repellent approved and now marketing it to sell! (You know the back story about it and God’s divine connections.) 100% of the profits go back to the ministry! Some of the generous and wonderful partners we had this year were The Planning Council, Operation Paperback, We Care Center, Chesapeake Re-entry Council, In Touch Ministries, Inc., and Urban League of Hampton Roads.

Moreover, YOU have been a tremendous partner, too! Your generous donations and gifts have made a DIFFERENCE! With you and each of our partners we are God’s foot soldiers on the Earth! When we walk in the Spirit, as the Bible has commanded us, God can use us in tremendous ways!

As we march into 2025, please consider giving an end of the year gift donation. Your gift is tax-deductible! We have many projects God has assigned for us in 2025! We have been diligent in our research and efforts to provide a facility to help the ladies who are being released from jail. We know we will have to partner with different businesses, organizations, and people to get this done. As with everything with God, we believe He will show us how to move forward (as He is doing now) on this project. As I tell people all the time, IF YOU SEEK GOD, YOU WILL FIND HIM! He is not hiding…Amen!

Please click or copy and paste the link and scroll down to “donate” to make your donation…

You may also mail your donation to Where Is God Now Ministries, Inc., 730 River Strand, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320.

Thank you for your continued support.

Please share with whomever…

Love & Blessings!


Jesus Was God On Earth!

As I travel about, I believe Christmas is one of the most celebrated and decorated holidays above all. When I look at the decorations, people really go all out… It brings JOY! It is a fabulous thing to see.

Amidst the celebration and decorations, I wonder if we intrinsically remember the full impact of the season. Christmas is about Jesus being born. Jesus is the Savior of the world. Jesus was God on Earth!

Jesus was fully God and fully man (Colossians 2:9). 1 Timothy 3:16 tells us Jesus was both God’s Son and God Himself. This is the origin of our faith! This is what we believe.

This is MIRACULOUS and AWESOME when you think about it. Human reasoning can’t capture or grasp it. Nevertheless, it is the TRUTH we stand on. It is the BEAUTY and MAGNIFICENCE of Him… Amen! Love & Blessings!

God Never Leaves Our Side: Our Encounters With God!

Doing life with God is AWESOME! When we become sensitive to the things of God it elevates us to higher level of intimacy with Him.

I love my encounters with God. When the Bible says He will never leave us not forsake us (Hebrews 13:5), it is true. We do not always feel God. We do not always see Him moving in our life. However, we TRUST He is always working on our behalf. He uses us for His glory.

This week I had some AMAZING encounters with God. With one incident, I was searching for an item in my house that I normally keep in my attic. When I went to get it, it was gone! Needless to say, I became frustrated and started fretting. I was looking to myself to find the item. I started searching my house. It was no where to be found. I began to wonder if I needed to open each box in the attic. Every box was filled with Christmas decorations. I was wondering if I had packed it with the Christmas decorations.

As I am eating mt lunch, I calm my spirit. I start talking to God. I told Him I knew He knew where the item was I was looking for. I asked Him if I was going to have to pull out all of the Christmas decorations to find it. Suddenly, a beautiful PEACE came over me. Incredibly, a beautiful piercing sensation filled my brain. It penetrated my mind. It said, “It is in the drawer in your bedroom.”

That was the presence of the Holy Spirit! (John 16:13) I smiled and asked, “Lord, is that where it is?” I continued to eat my lunch. When I finished, I calmly went to my bedroom. I walked to the drawer I knew He was talking about. There was the item! My SOUL and SPIRIT were so BLESSED! As a result, I thanked and worshiped God. Moreover, He saved me from the heartache of pulling everything out of my attic. Going through Christmas decorations to find the item I was looking for would have been very time consuming. What a relief and a BLESSING!

The other encounter was God protected me and my house from would be strangers and possible danger. As we live our lives, we sometimes move around unaware. We often do not realize everything happening or what we are doing. To the best of our abilities we want to be wise and careful. Still, we miss it sometimes in our humanity. At dusk, I am going in and out of my house taking care of things. I noticed one of my motion sensor lights is malfunctioning. I “fix” it and put it back in place outside.

About three hours later, I notice the light fixture is malfunctioning again. I go outside and grab the fixture. As I am coming into the house, I notice my house key is in the lock. I did not realize it was there!

I believe God wanted me to know I had left the key in the door. He used the malfunctioning light sensor to lure me back outside. This allowed me to see my house key I left in the door. Otherwise, I would not have ever known it was there! I started thanking and praising God, again.

We never know who or what is lurking around our house while we are sleep, but God does. If we pay attention to Him, He will protect us. He might also show us things we need to do to protect ourselves. PRAISE GOD! These are some of my AMAZING ENCOUNTERS with God. We all have them, if we are paying attention to Him! Amen! Love & Blessings!

Taking On The Mind Of Christ: An Everything Nothing

Christ followers should take on the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 instructs us to take on the mind and purposes of Christ. We have to lose ourselves, including ego, pride and fleshly thoughts to do this. Joyce Meyer of Enjoying Everyday Life describes taking on the mind and purposes of Christ as an Everything Nothing.

An Everything Nothing is realizing we can’t do anything on our own. All of our strength, breath, what we do and what we are is born out of the graciousness of God. He is a maker and creator. God is our Everything! For without Him we can do nothing John 15:5.

Christ died to set us free (Colossians 1:12). When we take on the mind of Christ in our everyday living, it truly sets us free. We are free from worry, anxiety, depression and all of the other dark influences of this world.

God’s principles and ways are truly an upside down manner of living compared to this world. We are constantly leaning and depending on God to give our income, jobs, shelter, transportation, enjoyment, and peace. The list goes on and on when you realize you are an Everything Nothing in Christ. It gives us excitement and anticipation to see what God is going to do next in our lives.

We are the vessels God uses to get His work done on the Earth. Just as Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 4:1), we will have wilderness experiences, too. But, this is where our faith and trust in God grows even more. We do not always know what God is up to. We trust Him for what He allows. We continue to move forward in Jesus’ name. Amen. Love & Blessings!

Satanic Spirit: Who Is Your Enemy?

An enemy is not necessarily a person. It is a spirit. A negative spirit that is coming against you from Satan to kill, steal, and destroy YOU and your FAITH. Ephesians 3:12 reminds us we are not wrestling against flesh and blood. Oftentimes, we believe it is the person. Satan can influence and use people, if they allow him. That is why we have to be on guard against the enemy because he can even get in US!

Ephesians 3:12 goes on to say we wrestle against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness in this world. It is also spiritual wickedness in high places. Some people equate that to the government. But, it is beyond that. Again, these influences can manifest in people, places, or things.

Let’s examine human trafficking, for example. That is not necessarily the government. Nevertheless, people involved have resources, power, money, influence, etc., to get others to do what they want. In that, they are not uplifting the name of Jesus. They are uplifting the rulers of the darkness in this world. It is spiritual wickedness in high places in this arena. It kills, steals, and destroys ALL involved.

Sometimes the enemy may be ourselves. Some have self hatred toward themselves. That is not a spirit of the living God. That is a spirit of Satan himself. Jesus did not die for us to hate ourselves. Jesus died so we may have an abundant, victorious life (John 10:19). God promised us victory on the Earth through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57, 2 Corinthians 2:14).

The Enemy is any person, place, or thing that is not of God. It is the evil and spiritual wickedness that can overcome and over take us, if we let it. It is one of the reasons why Paul warned us not to be conformed to this world. He said we have to renew our minds everyday (Romans 12:2). Otherwise, Satan, our enemy, will use any and everything to attack us. Amen. Love & Blessings!

Satan’s Playbook: Have You Seen It Lately?

Satan’s tactics against us never changes. It is the same old playbook. He comes like a roaring lion seeking who he can devour (1 Peter 5-8) He comes to kill, still, and destroy (John 10:10). That is it.

The only power Satan has over us is what we give him. I heard someone say sometimes we give Satan a big stick to hit us with. We play into his tactics and schemes against us! Have you noticed it is the same old playbook.

In this life we all suffer and go through trials and tribulation. But Jesus told us to cheer up because He has already conquered the world! (John 16:3) Satan is banking on us not to remember that.

Some of the concerns in this life has a way of repeating itself. It comes back to us in different faces and different places, but the concern or theme is the same. Let’s use the example of rejection. We have all experienced rejection. Jesus felt rejection too. That puts us in great company, right? Nevertheless, it is still not a good feeling. When we go through rejection Satan would have us dwell on the rejection and waddle in self-pity.

We should always keep our eyes on God. Ask him what does He want us to know or what does He want us to learn.  We know that God can take that rejection and turn it toward our good, if we let him. I believe God allows pain and suffering in our lives. It is to sometimes toughen us up. He gets us ready and prepared for what He wants to use us for.

We know that things in this life that are of a worthy cause does not come easy. There will be opposition. God allows the pain, suffering, and rejection to come to build our character, endurance, perseverance, and faith. The beauty of what is happening is even though we may not like it, we know that God is up to something.

If He has led you down a path, there is something He needs to get done through you. With past experiences we know that Satan is going to show up. His playbook is to kill, steal, and destroy God’s plan and purpose. We, as Christians, have to refuse to give up, plow through, and keep our eyes on God. He will get us where we need to be… Amen! Love & Blessings!